Tilda Publishing
ISSN 1028-978X
Tilda Publishing
2025, № 1
The use of various materials in the introduction of hydrogen isotopes into organic compounds without solvents

V. P. Shevchenko, I. Yu. Nagaev, N. F. Myasoedov

Methods of introducing hydrogen isotopes into organic compounds without the use of solvents are described. Inorganic carriers, including nanomaterials, that are used to prepare reaction mixtures are given. The possibilities of a solid-phase method for introducing a deuterium or tritium label into organic compounds, including unsaturated and thermolabile compounds, are shown. The influence of reaction conditions on the yield and degree of inclusion of the hydrogen isotope into labeled preparations is considered. An attempt was made to explain the obtained data by the processes occurring in the system hydrogen isotope – catalyst – carrier – nature of the compound.

Keywords: deuterium, tritium, solid-phase reactions, heterogeneous catalysts, carriers, hydrogen spillover.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-5-23
Shevchenko Valery — National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” (Moscow, 123182, Kurchatov Sq. 2), doctor of chemical sciences, senior researcher, leading researcher, specialist in the synthesis of compounds labeled with radioactive isotopes. E-mail: ATRegister@mail.ru.
Nagaev Igor — National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” (Moscow, 123182, Kurchatov Sq. 2), candidate of chemical sciences, senior researcher, specialist in the synthesis of compounds labeled with radioactive isotopes. E-mail: nagaev.img@yandex.ru.
Myasoedov Nikolay — National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” (Moscow, 123182, Kurchatov Sq. 2), doctor of chemical sciences, professor, academician of RAS, specialist in the bioorganic chemistry and biotechnology, synthesis of isotopically labeled compounds. E-mail: myasoedov-nf.img@yandex.ru.
Reference citing:
Shevchenko V.P., Nagaev I.Yu., Myasoedov N.F. Primenenie razlichnyh materialov pri vvedenii izotopov vodoroda v organicheskie soedineniya bez ispol'zovaniya rastvoritelej [The use of various materials in the introduction of hydrogen isotopes into organic compounds without solvents]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2025, no. 1, pp. 5 – 23. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-5-23
Mechanical and thermoelectric properties of bismuth and antimony chalcogenides solid solutions depending on purity of starting materials

L. D. Ivanova, I. Yu. Nikhezina, A. G. Malchev, D. S. Nikulin, M. G. Lavrentev

The influence of the purity of the initial components on the mechanical and thermoelectric properties of extruded samples based on Sb2Te3–Bi2Te3 (p-type conductivity) and Bi2Te3–Bi2Se3 (n-type conductivity) solid solutions is studied. We used powders are fabricated by rapid crystallization of the melt in water or grinding ingots obtained by fusion in an ampoule, materials with a purity of 99,99; 99,999 and 99,9999 wt. % of the main substance. The samples were fine-crystalline, grain sizes did not exceed 10 μm, and the materials of p-type conductivity contained inclusions of the second phase (tellurium-based eutectics). It has been established that the ultimate strength during compressive deformation at room temperature of these samples is 170 ± 20 MPa for a material of p-type conductivity and 241 ± 17 MPa for a material of n-type conductivity. Thermoelectric parameters (electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity and thermoelectric figure of merit) of the samples were measured in the range of 100 – 600 K. The purity of the starting components does not have a significant effect on the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) of p-type conductivity samples. For samples of n-type conductivity obtained from the purest materials, the maximum of the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT is shifted towards higher temperatures. The maximum thermoelectric figure of merit is ZTmax ~ 1,1 at 350 K and ZTmax ~ 1,0 at 400 K for p- and n-type conductivity material, respectively.

Keywords: thermoelectric materials, extrusion, microstructure, mechanical and thermoelectric properties.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-24-38
Ivanova Lidia — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), PhD (Eng), leading researcher, specialist in the field of semiconductor materials science, technologies for obtaining and researching thermoelectric materials. E-mail: ivanova@imet.ac.ru.
Nikhezina Irina — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), researcher, specialist in the field of semiconductor materials science and research of properties of thermoelectric materials. E-mail: nihezina@imet.ac.ru.
Malchev Alexey — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), junior researcher, specialist in the field of semiconductor materials science and research of properties of thermoelectric materials. E-mail: malchev@imet.ac.ru.
Nikulin Dmitry — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), senior researcher, specialist in the field of semiconductor materials science and research of properties of thermoelectric materials. E-mail: zaxnur@gmail.com.
Lavrentev Mikhail — RMT Ltd. (Moscow, 115230, Warshavskoe shosse, 46), PhD (Phys-Math), senior researcher, specialist in condensed matter physics, materials physics and materials science. E-mail: lavrentev.mihail@gmail.com.
Reference citing:
Ivanova L.D., Nikhezina I.Yu., Malchev A.G., Nikulin D.S., Lavrentev M.G. Mekhanicheskie i termoelektricheskie svojstva tverdyh rastvorov hal'kogenidov vismuta i sur'my v zavisimosti ot chistoty iskhodnyh materialov [Mechanical and thermoelectric properties of bismuth and antimony chalcogenides solid solutions depending on purity of starting materials]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2025, no. 1, pp. 24 – 38. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-24-38
Influence of complex modification on the structure
of complex-alloyed hypereutectic silumin

I. A. Petrov, A. P. Ryakhovsky, P. Yu. Predko, D. I. Mayorov, R. S. Fedortsov

The work is devoted to the study of the influence of complex modification on the microstructure of complex-alloyed hypereutectic silumin of the Al – Si – Cu – Mg – Ni – Mn system. The task of the work was to determine the phase composition of the alloy in the cast state. The analysis of literature and multicomponent phase diagrams was carried out. The phase composition was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectral microanalysis and X-ray phase analysis (XRD) of the studied alloy. Various modifying elements and their modifying mechanisms are considered. For modification of complex-alloyed hypereutectic silumin the following additives were used: salts K2TiF6 and K2ZrF6, complex-modifying fluxes (CMF), tableted refining-modifying preparation (RMP) and phosphorus-containing ligature. The effect of complex modification on the coefficient of thermal linear expansion (CTLE), hardness and microhardness of primary silicon of complex-alloyed hypereutectic silumin was assessed. Microstructural studies of the effect of complex modification on the sizes of primary and eutectic silicon were conducted. The studies showed that the use of complex modification is a relevant direction for improving the structure of complex-alloyed hypereutectic silumins and increasing their properties.

Keywords: hypereutectic silumin, complex modification, microstructure, phase composition, coefficient of linear thermal expansion.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-39-51
Petrov Igor — Moscow aviation Institute (national research University) (Volokolamskoe shosse, 4, Moscow, 125993), PhD (Eng), associate professor, specialist in foundry technology, modification and refining of cast aluminum alloys. E-mail: petrovia2@mai.ru.
Ryakhovskiy Aleksandr — Moscow aviation Institute (national research University) (Volokolamskoe shosse, 4, Moscow, 125993), PhD (Eng), associate professor, specialist in foundry technology and materials science of cast aluminum alloys. E-mail: fpk-mati@mail.ru.
Predko Pavel — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospekt, 49), research associate, specialist in the development of aluminium and magnesium alloys. E-mail: predko.pavel@ya.ru.
Mayorov Dmitry — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospekt, 49), research assistant, specialist in the development of aluminium and magnesium alloys. E-mail: maiorovdi@mail.ru.
Fedortsov Ruslan — Moscow aviation Institute (national research University), (Volokolamskoe shosse, 4, Moscow, 125993), PhD (Eng), postgraduate student, specialist in foundry technology. E-mail: fedortsov_rs@mail.ru.
Reference citing:
Petrov I.A., Ryakhovsky A.P., Predko P.Yu., Mayorov D.I., Fedortsov R.S. Vliyanie kompleksnogo modificirovaniya na strukturu slozhnolegirovannogo zaevtekticheskogo silumina [Influence of complex modification on the structure of complex-alloyed hypereutectic silumin]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2025, no. 1, pp. 39 – 51. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-39-51
Effect of magnesium on the specific heat capacity and changes
in the thermodynamic functions of aluminum alloy AlBe1

M. Z. Kurbonova, I. N. Ganiev, I. A. Emomov

Heat capacity is the most important characteristic of substances, and by its change with temperature, one can determine the type of phase transformation, Debye temperature, energy of vacancy formation, coefficient of electronic heat capacity, and other properties. In this work, the heat capacity of the aluminum alloy AlBe1 (Al + 1 wt. % Be) with magnesium additives was determined in the “cooling” mode using the known heat capacity of the reference copper sample. For this purpose, by processing the cooling rate curves of samples from the AlBe1 alloy with magnesium and the standard (Cu grade M00), equations were obtained that describe the temperature dependence of the cooling rate. Further, based on the experimentally found values of the cooling rates of alloy samples and the standard, knowing their masses, polynomials for the temperature dependence of the heat capacity of the alloys were established, which are described by a four-term equation. Using integrals of specific heat capacity, the temperature dependences of changes in enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy for the AlBe1 alloy with magnesium were calculated. Using the obtained polynomial dependencies, it is shown that with increasing temperature the heat capacity, enthalpy and entropy of the alloys increase, and the Gibbs energy decreases. Additions of magnesium in the studied concentration range (0.05 – 1.0 wt.%) increased the heat capacity, enthalpy and entropy of the original AlBe1 alloy, while the value of the Gibbs energy decreased.

Keywords: aluminum alloy AlBe1, magnesium, heat capacity, heat transfer coefficient, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-52-61
Kurbonova Mukadas — Tajik National University of Chemistry (734025, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue, 17), PhD, associate professor, head of department, specialist in the field of materials science and teaching methods. E-mail: mukadas_qi75@mail.ru.
Ganiev Izatullo — Tajik Technical University named after academician M.S. Osimi (734042, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Academician Radjabov Avenue, 10), academician, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor, specialist in the field of materials science and corrosion protection. E-mail: ganievizatullo48@gmail.com.
Emomov Ismoil — Dangara State University (735320, Republic of Tajikistan, Dangara, Markazi St. 25), applicant for department, E-mail: ismoil_emomov@mail.ru.
Reference citing:
Kurbonova M.Z., Ganiev I.N., Emomov I.A. Vliyaniya magniya na udel'nuyu teploemkost' i izmenenij termodinamicheskih funkcii model'nogo alyuminievogo splava AlBe1 [Effect of magnesium on the specific heat capacity and changes in the thermodynamic functions of aluminum alloy AlBe1]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2025, no. 1, pp. 52 – 61. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-52-61
Comparative analysis of mechanical properties and microstructure of three-component epoxy polymers and fiberglass composites obtained by thermal and microwave heat treatment

E. V. Matveev, V. V. Berestov, A. I. Gajdar, A. A. Veveris

The effect of ultrahigh frequency (microwave) curing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of three-component epoxy resins (ER) and glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) has been studied. A comparative analysis of the manufactured samples of ER and GFRP cured by both traditional thermal and microwave methods was carried out. The optimal parameters of the microwave curing process for ER and GFRP were determined, which made it possible to obtain samples with high strength properties under standard tensile and bending tests. Comparative fractographic and microstructural studies of transverse fracture surfaces for ER samples cured by thermal and microwave methods were carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It has been established that the curing of ER by the microwave method leads to an increase in the size of globules and the number of pores in the material, a more pronounced local plastic deformation during the destruction of the sample and to a greater variation in the ratio of the propagation velocities of the main and secondary cracks. Comparative studies of the microstructure of the cross-section surfaces and longitudinal cleavage surfaces were also carried out for GFRP samples cured by thermal and microwave methods. It was found that for GFRP samples cured by the microwave method, the fracture during longitudinal cleavage is mainly cohesive, caused by the propagation of a crack through the matrix material.

Keywords: epoxy polymer, fiberglass composites, microwave curing, tensile testing, fractography, interfacial adhesion, scanning electron microscopy.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-62-74
Matveev Egor — Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies (RIAMT) (53 Shcherbakovskaya str., Moscow, 105187), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of research of physical and mechanical properties of materials. E-mail: maegor@gmail.com.
Berestov Valentin — Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies (RIAMT) (53 Shcherbakovskaya str., Moscow, 105187), junior researcher, specialist in the field of structural nanomaterials. E-mail: vberestov97@gmail.com.
Gaidar Anna — Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies (RIAMT) (53 Shcherbakovskaya str., Moscow, 105187), PhD (Phys-Math), senior researcher, specialist in the field of electron microscopy and elemental microanalysis. E-mail: a_i_g@bk.ru.
Veveris Alnis — National Research Technological University MISIS (119049, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 4), PhD student, specialist in the field of polymer composite materials. E-mail: mrechoru48@gmail.com.
Reference citing:
Matveev E.V., Berestov V.V., Gajdar A.I., Veveris A.A. Sravnitel'nyj analiz mekhanicheskih svojstv i mikrostruktury trekhkomponentnyh epoksidnyh polimerov i stekloplastikovyh kompozitov, poluchennyh tradicionnoj i sverhvysokochastotnoj termoobrabotkoj [Comparative analysis of mechanical properties and microstructure of three-component epoxy polymers and fiberglass composites obtained by thermal and microwave heat treatment]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2025, no. 1, pp. 62 – 74. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-62-74
Hydrothermal synthesis, optical and photocatalytic properties
of Y-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles

I. V. Egelskii, M. A. Pugachevskii, V. V. Rodionov, A. V. Syuy, A. V. Grigorieva

Yttrium-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles were synthesized by a hydrothermal method and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and small-angle X-ray scattering. To obtain particles with improved photocatalytic properties and minimal carbon content of residual organic derivatives, optimal conditions were selected for washing with solvents and subsequent thermal annealing. Yttrium-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles demonstrated higher photocatalytic activity compared to the undoped sample, which is explained by the formation of additional energy levels inside the band gap, which reduce the intensity of the reverse recombination process. The obtained results contribute to the development of the most optimal modes and methods for producing titanium dioxide nanoparticles with high photocatalytic activity.

Keywords: nanoparticles, titanium oxides, hydrothermal synthesis, Y-doping, photoluminescence, photocatalysis.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-75-84
Egelskii Ilia — Southwest State University (305040 Kursk, 50 let Oktyabrya st., 94), post-graduate student, engineer specialist in the field of synthesis of new materials. E-mail: ive1996@yandex.ru.
Pugachevskii Maksim — Southwest State University (Kursk, 305040, 50 let Oktyabrya st., 94), Dr Sci (Phys-Math), professor, Director of nanotechnology center, specialist in small-angle X-ray scattering. E-mail: pmaximal@mail.ru.
Rodionov Vladimir — Southwest State University (Kursk, 305040, 50 let Oktyabrya st., 94), PhD (Phys-Math, senior researcher, specialist in scanning electron microscopy. E-mail: i@rodionov777.ru.
Syuy Alexander — Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, 141700, Institutskii per., 9), PhD (Phys-Math), associate professor, specialist in transmission electron microscopy. E-mail: alsyuy271@gmail.com.
Grigorieva Anastasia — Lomonosov Moscow State University, (Moscow, 119991, Leninskije gory, 1/3), PhD (Chem), senior researcher, specialist in chemical technology. E-mail: grigorieva@gmail.com.
Reference citing:
Egelskii I.V., Pugachevskii M.A., Rodionov V.V., Syuy A.V., Grigorieva A.V. Gidrotermal'nyj sintez, opticheskie i fotokataliticheskie svojstva legirovannyh ittriem nanochastic dioksida titana [Hydrothermal synthesis, optical and photocatalytic properties of Y-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2025, no. 1, pp. 75 – 84. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2025-1-75-84
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