Tilda Publishing
ISSN 1028-978X
Tilda Publishing
2025, № 2
Materials for power engineering, radiation-resistant materials

G. N. Elmanov, R. Sh. Isayev, P. S. Dzhumaev, A. D. Yakovleva,
B. A. Loginov, I. A. Naumenko
Structure and mechanical properties of electrolytic chromium coatings deposited
on the inner surface of fuel cladding made of EP823-Sh steel............................................................. 5

Materials for insuring human life activity and environmental protection

А. A. Tsyganova, O. A. Golovanova
Comparative characteristics of the bioactivity of materials based
on a mixture of calcium phosphates and polysaccharides.................................................................... 17

New materials processing technologies

M. S. Piskarev, A. V. Zinoviev, A. B. Gilman, E. A. Skryleva, B. R. Senatulin,
A. K. Gatin, D. A. Syrtsova, A. Yu. Alentiev, A. A. Kuznetsov
Effect of DC discharge on the properties and surface structure
of polyphenylene oxide films...................................................................................................................... 28

M. A. Ponomarev, V. E. Loryan, N. A. Kochetov
Synthesis of composite material in combustion mode from mixture of Ti + 2B
and Ni – Al composite particles with various ratios of components..................................................... 41

K. O. Gryaznov, V. Z. Mordkovich, D. D. Prikhodko, N. I. Batova, E. B. Mitberg,
O. N. Abramov, D. V. Zhigalov, P. A. Storozhenko, N. Yu. Beilina
Carbon fiber from isotropic petroleum pitch doped with carbon nanotubes.................................... 55

N. V. Grechishnikov, A. A. Ilyicheva, L. I. Podzorova, E. E. Nikishina
Preparation of europium and gadolinium hafnates with pyrochlore structure
using microwave radiation.......................................................................................................................... 66

V. A. Gulevsky, V. I. Antipov, A. G. Kolmakov, S. N. Tsurikhin, N. Yu. Miroshkin,
V. V. Gulevsky, Yu. E. Mukhina, E. E. Baranov, M. A. Kaplan
Study of casting aluminum samples reinforced with hollow copper spheres.................................... 73

I. V. Shvarts, Y. V. Krylov, S. А. Nikiforov, A. I. Gorunov, А. Kh. Gilmutdinov
Analysis of microstructure and hardness of weld points under laser acoustic treatment
of stainless steel .......................................................................................................................................... 80
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